Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FTC Team Blast #2: Welcome to Bowled Over!

Hello, Teams!
We hope everyone has been "Bowled Over". This following topics are covered in this message.
Also, an archive of this can be found on our blog at: http://ftc-iowa.blogspot.com/

1. Upcoming Events
2. Team Status Check
3. Bowled Over Field & Materials
4. Excellent Resource "FTC Teams: Tips, Tricks, Strategies & Secrets (new edition!)"

1. Upcoming Events
The best way to get some experience, and see what other teams are doing, is to attend some pre-competition scrimmage events. These events, are FREE! Teams are encouraged to attend at least one, if not two of them.

On Saturday, Oct. 1, Team #3550 - Beta, will be hosting our first event, the Skills Driving Challenge. Check out the events website at: http://staging1.engineering.uiowa.edu/ftc-iowa-2011-events
The Skills Driving event is a GREAT way for teams to get experience with the Samantha, how to drive a robot and to meet with other teams. This event was VERY popular last season.

2. Team Status Check
We are asking for ALL teams to complete a brief on-line form about how your team is doing. (If you have multiple teams, you will need to complete the form multiple times.) This form gives our team a great snapshot of the progress of all of our teams and see if there are areas in which we can help you. The online survey can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dENtNi16UGJ0aXRMRlQ2MHZvUi1DeGc6MA#gid=0

3. Bowled Over Field & Materials

We have been asked, by many teams, as to where they can purchase the items for the Bowled Over game. Thank you, to Oregon FTC, for putting together this list.
**Please note: It is not required for teams to have a complete field to participate. If teams are only able to build a quarter of the field, that works as well.**
  • Bill of Materials - Official "Bowled Over" Bill Of Materials
  • The crates -  Sterilite 1695. Teams can also find them at Wal-mart. Teams don't need the clear ones. They are cheap at $1 per crate.
  • Racquetballs - Teams don't need 100 of them for practicing. You can order them from AndyMark (www.andymark.com) at $16.28 for 24.
  • Bowling Balls - check with your local bowling center and tell them what you are doing and ask if they would sell you a used 6lb. ball OR ask if they could order one at the their cost for your team. If your team decides not to attempt the bowling ball ramp part of the challenge you can skip purchasing one.
  • Lights on the off-field goals - Teams don't need the lights in the ball containers at the side of the field and teams really only need to build one ramp.
  • Low Cost Perimeter Option - Check it out on the FTC website: http://www.usfirst.org/uploadedFiles/Community/FTC/FTC_Documents_and_Updates/2008/Low%20Cost%20Field%20BOM.pdf
  • Field tiles - The official tiles used for the FTC field floor are sold through Soft Tiles (www.softtiles.com), as they are the vendor for the official FTC Field Floor. They are offering FTC teams a 10% discount. To get the discount you must place your order by PHONE 888-477-6532 (toll free) (9am – 5:30pm EST). Ask for the 2’ x 2’ gray tiles 5/8” thick and tell them you are a FTC Coach. 12’ x 12’ field = 36 tiles = $187.92 + about $50 S & H.  Please note: You still get the discount if you order less tiles. 
4. Excellent Resource: "FTC Teams: Tips, Tricks, Strategies & Secrets" (new edition!) A huge "Thank You" to Bill Mattaliano, of Solon Robotics Teams #367 & #5062, for letting us know about an updated version of the FTC book called "FTC Teams: Tips, Tricks, Strategies & Secrets". Although it is not required for teams to have a copy, teams can learn a lot from this book. Amazon is selling them for about $10. ISBN-13 #: 978-1463788728.

Looking forward to working with your team! Hope to see you at one of the scrimmage events!

The FTC-Iowa Team