Monday, September 12, 2011

FTC Team Blast #1: Welcome to Bowled Over!

Hello Teams,

This is the first official FTC-Iowa team email blast for the 2011-2012 season. Please share this and all other team email blasts with your team. Unless you have made other arrangements with me, the only people on your team that receive this email are the main and alternate team contacts that are listed in the FIRST Team Information Management System that was used to register your team with FIRST. All of the FTC-Iowa team email blasts are placed in an archive on the FTC-Iowa blog:

Topics in this email include:

1. "Bowled Over" Kickoff
2. Tournament Structure for FTC-Iowa (New for 2011/2012)
3. New FTC-Iowa Website
4. Non-Competition Events are Open!

1. "Bowled Over" Kickoff

Welcome to "Bowled Over!" Thank you to all of you who were able to attend the FTC-Iowa Kick-Off Celebration on Saturday, September 10, 2011 at Vinton-Shellsburg High School. (Huge thank you to the teams who hosted, #3548, #4371, and #5153!) It was a great day!! If you were not able to attend, the game video, game manual and field bill of materials can be found at:

2. Tournament Structure for FTC-Iowa (New for 2011/2012)

The FTC-Iowa program runs a two-tier tournament structure - local qualifying tournaments and a FTC-Iowa Championship. The Qualifying Tournaments are hosted in various communities, beginning on Nov. 19th, and will typically have between 12-16 teams competing. Approximately four teams, per qualifier, will advance to the FTC-Iowa Championship.

Attached is the FTC-Iowa Tournament Policies. In addition, they can be found on our website (, click on "FTC" -->2011/12 FTC-Iowa Events --> Information about the Qualifier Tournaments)

Registration for qualifying tournaments will be performed through the FTC-Iowa web site starting in October.

If you have any questions about the Qualifying Tournaments, please do not hesitate to ask.

3. New FTC-Iowa Website

During the off-season, we have been very busy revamping the FTC-Iowa website. The new URL is, and click on FTC.
The old "google site" eventually will be removed. If there are things you don't see on the new site, please let us know and we will make sure it gets over to the new site.

Please keep in mind, there are a few items on the new site that may change, eventually. This includes the specific URL and the "Home" button, which doesn't work, at this time. (In the mean time, please use your browser's back button).

4. Non-Competition Events are Open!
We encourage all teams to attend as many non-competition events as possible. If your team would like to register for the Skills Driving Event or any of the Scrimmages, you can do so at this time, via the new website. A listing of events is attached as well. Non-competition events are THE BEST way to improve your robot and see how other teams have taken on the "Bowled Over" Challenge.

Thank you and we look forward to a great season!
The FTC-Iowa Team