Thursday, March 7, 2013

FTC-Iowa: Changes are Underway

Wow! What a season for "Ring It Up!" All of the FTC teams, coaches, mentors and volunteers should be very proud of an awesome season.

Some Iowa stats:
  • 135 registered FTC Teams -- that's over double from last year!
  • 11 Qualifying Tournaments -- 2 were "double-doubles" and two were on the same day but 10 miles apart.
  • Nearly 1,350 students impacted through FTC in Iowa
  • Over 350 Iowa volunteers contributed to one or more events during the "Ring It Up" Season.
There are many changes for the 2013-2014 Season, so please read the following very carefully.

1. Light Up! Iowa Initiative
2. 2013-2014 Tournament Implementation: League Play
3. FTC Iowa STEM Scale-Up for 2013-2014
4. Administrative Changes for FTC-Iowa

1. Light Up! Iowa Initiative
Now that the competition season is over, students and coaches are probably wondering "What can we do during the off-season?" Build the relationships with companies and organizations in your community – like your dentist/doctor offices, grocery stores, hardware store, banks, auto repair shops, or any organization you may have a personal relationship with. 
  • Build the relationship and promote FIRST.
  • Connect the folks in community with FIRST.
  • Tell them about your experiences and what you’ve been able to accomplish.
  • Show them your robot.  Let them drive your robot.
  • Sustain your team.
Over the past few months, we’ve been working with the folks at Rockwell Collins and FIRST to develop an initiative called Light Up! Iowa. The overall goal is to empower and equip the teams with the resources so they can make the connections within their community.

Light UP! Iowa – the first of its kind - will allow teams to access an online packet. This packet will give students and coaches a step-by-step guide to help teams seek and secure outside support. This packet includes tips and best practices of how to ask for support, a list of recommended sponsorship levels, and instructions of how to properly acknowledge the support when its been received.  

In addition to the online packet, with the support from Rockwell Collins, a case of FIRST LED light bulbs will be sent to every registered FTC team in Iowa.

Teams will be asked to take the light bulbs, as well as a marketing packet and use their personal contacts and to promote FIRST.

Spread the word. Sustain your team.

2. 2013-2014 Tournament Implementation: League Play
For the 2013-2014 FTC Season, we will be implementing a new form of tournament style: League Play!  Although the exact details have not been determined, a few things that will be different:
  • Events (a.k.a. Meets) will only be a few hours long -- not necessarily on an entire Saturday.
  • Teams will be required to attend/compete in at least two meets.
  • Meets are coordinated by teams for teams. Teams will be responsible for doing their own inspections -- either self inspection or other teams co-inspecting.

As for the boundaries of the leagues (which teams will be in which leagues), the tournament advancement (qualifiers or FTC-Iowa Championship) and the role of judging (via video submission and evaluated online) -- all of that will be finalized in the next few weeks/months. Stay tuned!
3. FTC Iowa STEM Scale-Up for 2013-2014
On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 the Scale-Up programs for 2013-2014 were announced. FTC did not apply to be a scale-up for 2013-2014 for several reasons:
A) New Tournament Implementation: League Play -- there are a lot of things that need to be determined for next year and we will be using the number of ~200 teams. If we were to double to over 300 teams, it will be very difficult to implement League Play.
B) Administrative changes -- see item #4.

Will our 2012-2013 Scale-Up Funds be carried over to next season? Since October, 2012, we have communicated that the Scale-Up funds would not be carried over to next season. It was encouraged that your team spend 100% of the funds. Hopefully your team has purchased enough extra robot parts, a laptop, a router, and field equipment to be able eliminate many of the expenses for next year.

(Teams have until March 10th to submit receipts. If you need ideas on what to spend your funds on, please visit: FTC STEM Scale-Up website.)

With each team receiving a field perimeter and tiles, teams are prepared to host events (meets, workshops, scrimmages, etc) and introduce their community - and the younger students - to FTC. Be creative.

Will Rockwell Collins continue their support of FTC? Yes. They will still continue to fund rookie teams for 2013-2014 with a robot kit and 2nd year "returning teams" (rookies during 2012-2013 "Ring It Up") with the $275 FIRST Registration Fee. More information about this will be coming out in early summer.
4. Administrative Changes for FTC-Iowa

Please read the special message from Rebecca Whitaker, FTC-Iowa Affiliate Partner.