2012 FTC-Iowa Coaches:
Welcome to the 2012-2013 FTC Season! For many of you, this is a new experience and you may be lost. That is ok. Just remember one thing: breathe!
1. Love Your Team #
2. Resources. Resources. Resources.
3. Qualifier Assignments
4. Socialize with us!
1. Love Your Team #
The 4-digit permanent team number will become an element of pride. These numbers stick with the team. If you can integrate it in what your team does, please do. Example: if your number was 5280 your slogan could be "We go the extra mile". If your team # was 360, your logo could be "2Pi". Get it? Be creative.
2. Resources. Resources. Resources.
Looking for resources as to where to start? Great question.
Online Resources
- FTC-Iowa Webpage (bookmark!): http://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/ess/future-students/k-12/first-tech-challenge
- FTC Webpage (bookmark!): http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/ftc
- FTC Forum (For a specific game rule item, in which you need expertise, please review the Game Forums. Also good idea to bookmark): http://ftcforum.usfirst.org/
- YouTube (always a great place to find videos of teams and what they are doing.)
- Attached is a JumpStart Guide compiled by Team #3550, Beta and an
FAQ guide about FTC - including a letter to send out to local businesses
to generate support.
If you are needing a human resource we have those for you too!
- Attend a non-tournament event - these are FREE! You can find a listing of them on our Events Calendar page (http://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/ess/future-students/k-12/first-tech-challenge/event-calendar) We do ask for teams to register...and you can up through two days prior to each event.
- Scrimmage in both Van Horne & Waterloo: Nov. 17
- Looking to use LabView for your programming language? We have a LabView training scheduled for 10/27 in Maxwell.
- In Western Iowa and want to attend a non-tournament event? Scrimmage on Nov. 10th - West High School, Sioux City, Iowa, 12pm-4pm.
- Scrimmage in Winthrop: Nov. 17
- Scrimmage on the far SE tip of Iowa: Nov. 17th Central Lee High School 10am-2pm
- Workshops in Davenport: Nov. 17 & Dec. 15
- Learn from other teams: Next week we will distribute a listing of folks who indicated they are willing to have their contact information be shared.
Please do not hesitate to contact these folks. Hint: the smaller the
team number, the more years of experience they have. If you see a team
with a number lower than 5600, they experienced FTC last season and are
now considered "returning teams".
By the end of next week, we should have the qualifier assignments completed. If your team received funding from Rockwell Collins or the STEM Scale-Up program, you are required to compete at a tournament - or your grants will be void. More information about qualifier tournaments, and how to prepare for them, can be found at: https://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/ess/future-students/k-12/first-tech-challenge/qualifier-tournaments
4. Socialize with us!
We want to be social with our teams! Create a Facebook account and lets be friends! Lets tweet. If your team uses social media (Facebook & Twitter are easy to set up) please complete this form. (This is also a great way for potential sponsors - local businesses & industries - to follow your teams' progression throughout the season.
Thank you! Good luck and welcome to FTC!
Rebecca & the FTC-Iowa Team