Award Winners
Think Award: Team #5063, Tipton High School, Tipton, Iowa
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award: Team #5062, Advanced, Solon, Iowa
PTC Design Award: Team #4324, Super Ninjas, Linn-Mar High School, Marion, Iowa
Connect Award: Team #4150, Outrageous Finger Socks, Linn-Mar High School, Marion, Iowa
Motivate Award: Team #5153, Benton Community High School, Van Horne, Iowa
Inspire Award: Team #4258, Bomb Squad, Jefferson High School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Teams Who Advance (according to page 29 of the Bowled Over Game Manual)
- No Host Team
- Inspire Award Winner: Team #4258, Bomb Squad from Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- Winning Alliance Captain: Team #4258 - however, since they won the Inspire Award, they received an invitation
- Inspire Award 2nd Place Winner: #4324 - however, they received an invitation to advance from a previous event.
- Winning Alliance, 1st team selected - #4324 - however, they received an invitation to advance from a previous event.
- Inspire Award 3rd Place Winner: #5153, Benton Community High School, Van Horne, Iowa
- Winning Alliance, 2nd team - none
- Think Award Winner: #5063, Tipton High School, Tipton, Iowa
- Finalist Alliance Captain: #367 - Organized Chaos, Solon High School, Solon, Iowa
Congratulations to all of the teams!
Fun facts:- Two matches were over 200 points (61-205 and 209-26)!
- Seven matches were over 100 points!
- 16 teams competed, all teams had passed software and hardware inspection prior to opening ceremonies.
- One team raised the crate to the 9th level of the match stick!
- Alliance Selection was very exciting! The 7th ranked team became a Captain!
- Each team competed in 7 matches.
- A HUGE Thank you to the wonderful volunteers, including high school students, college students, recent college graduates, professionals, and retirees. Thank you!!!