Thursday, September 22, 2011

FTC YouTube Channel and Samantha

YouTube Channel
FIRST Tech Challenge has put together a YouTube Channel with some very neat videos!
Check out their YouTube Channel: FTC YouTube

And, if you missed the I.Am.FIRST special in August, the FTC YouTube Channel has the full video!  

Side Note #1: I would also recommend "Subscribing" to the Channel and maybe even receive notifications when new videos are uploaded."

Samantha Wi-Fi Module
Samantha Mounting from Team 1902
The Samahtha Wi-Fi Module is THE communication device between the robot and the computer. Each team need to have one Samantha on their robot to make it run. Sometimes teams get confused with how to set-up the Samantha, but there is help!

All teams (rookie & returning) are highly encouraged to read through the Samantha Resources on the FTC website. Some stuff has changed from last season.

In addition, one of the first videos on the FTC YouTube site is about Samantha. Last season was the first FTC season using the Samantha Wi-Fi module and some teams got really confused in regards to setting up the configuration of the Samantha. Check out "How to set up your Samantha Module" video. Thanks, team #4530!

Side Note #2: Again, please don't forget to read the Samantha Resources 

Illinois Institute of Technology produced a recent study of Samantha Mounting (Placement and Orientation). A very cool read. Check it out.