Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hints For FCS Success

(Note: on a 64 bit computer, the programs may be under "C:\Program Files (x86)" instead of C:\ProgramFiles" as stated below.)

1.      Make sure you have installed Program Chooser, and run it on your NXT brick to choose your TeleOp Program.
·         Labview:
·    "c:\Program Files\National  Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\examples\FTC Toolkit\Program Chooser 2.0\Program Chooser.vi"
·   If you don't have a FTC Toolkit directory, you can get the FTC Toolkit from: http://digital.ni.com/express.nsf/bycode/ftcsoftware?opendocument&lang=en&node=seminar_US
·   Program Chooser installs to the NXT under "Software Files"

·         RobotC:
·   "C:\Program Files\Robotics Academy\ROBOTC for MINDSTORMS\Sample Programs\NXT\Try Me Program Source\Program Chooser.c"
·   Program Chooser installs to the NXT under "Try Me Files"

2.      Make sure you are using this year's official FIRST Templates:
·         RobotC: "C:\Program Files\Robotics Academy\ROBOTC for Mindstorms\Sample Programs\NXT\Templates"
·         LabVIEW: "c:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2010\examples\FTC Toolkit\Templates"

3.     Read and follow the Samantha Mounting Best Practices:
·         In the picture below, find the little squiggly line near the top of the circuit board in the middle picture: this is the antenna.  This end needs to be pointed up and not buried in a bunch of metal.  The Mounting Best Practices explain the proper mounting position.

4.     Install the Wireless Diagnostic Utility: Samostat:
·         Labview: C:\Program Files\Samantha Field Control System\Labview\samostat.vi
·         RobotC: C:\Program Files\Samantha Field Control System\RobotC\samostat.c

5.    Install and practice with the Samantha Field Control System
http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/ftc/samanthadocs.aspx?id=17465 (scroll down)
·         Test under a variety of robot conditions, simulating a competition.
·         Test under heavy motor loads (changing directions, going up inclines, pushing things around, with low batteries).  You may need to have your motors coded to less than 100% power to help avoid drawing down the 12v battery voltage too much, causing Samantha to restart.
·         If you don’t have your own wireless router, (or even if you do!) get some real world experience by attending a Scrimmage.